"I've been recording, I kind of stopped recording
now, but I was recording a little bit last year. I'm
going to continue again this year. What I miss a
hell of a lot is the stage. I miss performing. So I
want to be performing and I'm always turning
down shows and stuff because I always want to
perform with new material. Obviously, I’d perform
the old material as well, but with the focal point
being new material. So I would love to drop
something soon, but it just has to be right. But
yeah, I'm in that place though. I'm definitely in
that place."
Top Boy, The Kitchen, Made In The Manor and
Method to the Maadness – rapper and actor
Kane Robinson (a.k.a. Kano) has used his life
experiences in London to create some of British
music and TV’s most celebrated works. Covering
our Spring 24 issue, The Kitchen Director Daniel
Kaluuya talks to the artist and music pioneer
about his career to date.